Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Final Blog Post

 May 2, 2023

The Internet

    The Internet is one of humanity's greatest achievements. Cell phones are basically computers that we have access to on the go. We are now able to connect with anyone on the Internet, which makes our lives easier and more efficient. All good things do come with consequences. Before the Internet was a thing, the terms "cyberbullying," “revenge porn," and even "ghosting" were never a thing. Before social media, mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety were not rising among our youth. Suicide rates were not increasing as much as they are now that the Internet and social media are so popular.

Unhealthy Relationships

    I believe more people have unhealthy relationships than healthy relationships when it comes to the Internet. People are becoming way too dependent on it, and it almost seems as if they cannot live without it anymore. It is so easy to become addicted to social media and other online activities. With constant instant gratification and endless entertainment, it is very easy to lose sight of reality and forget about the real world.

My Personal Experiences

    I have been tracking my screen time for the purpose of this assignment for the past week. When Sunday came around, I was shocked to see how much time was spent on my phone. I had over 70 hours of time spent using my cellular device. That does not even include the TV that I watched that week or the time that I spent on my computer doing school assignments.

    These numbers were shocking, and I feel like I can't go without my phone. I am so reliant on it that if I were to lose it or it stopped working, I would not be able to go about my day. That may sound dramatic, but if you take a close look at what I do every day, it is clear that I do need my phone. If I weren’t to use my phone, I would completely have to change my whole lifestyle.  

    I use my phone for so many different things in my day-to-day life. First of all, it is required by my sorority to have a Facebook account and to be a part of the Kappa Delta Facebook group. The group page is where the executive members post about mandatory events, meeting dates, and other important information. Without my phone, I wouldn’t be able to have access to any of that information. In addition, I use my phone every day to call my family back home. I live in New Hampshire, so being able to communicate with them digitally is one reason why I am able to come to this school. If I weren’t able to text or call my family, I would become very homesick and wouldn't know what to do. In addition to calling my family, my phone makes it possible to be in a long distance relationship. My boyfriend lives back home, and if I were not able to contact him each day, we probably would've broken up. Another way in which I utilize my phone during the week is through social media. My most used apps are Snapchat, Instagram, and Facebook. I find that this generation is constantly on these different applications to keep in touch and know what other people are up to. Snapchat is definitely an important application for me. All of my friends use it to communicate and make plans. All in all, these different social media platforms basically help me stay connected to the people that I know. Without them, I would feel disconnected and completely out of the loop. 

Misleading Information

    I believe the Internet is a great place to inform and make people smarter. There are countless resources available online, from educational videos to news articles. It definitely helps me a lot when it comes to schoolwork or when I need to find specific information quickly. However, the Internet can be a place where users can find misleading and unreliable sources. You can’t believe everything that you see, and it is critical to verify and fact check before believing or sharing something.

    Honestly, before this class, I was never really worried about how the Internet can be misleading and unreliable. I feel that it is just an accepted part of the society we live in. It wasn’t until taking this class that I realized the importance of finding various sources, seeing the other side of things, and being unbiased about material that I find on the Internet. Unlike our parents and grandparents, my generation had access to the Internet, so it is a more normal thing for us to experience. We don’t know the difference between our world and a world without the Internet. It definitely takes maturity to come to the realization that we cannot believe everything that we see on the internet.

Online Footprint

    When I first began using social media, my parents taught me that what you put out on the Internet always stays out there and can always be found. I feel like their saying that almost made me worried and definitely made me more self-aware of what I was putting out there. I have numerous accounts on different kinds of platforms. Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, VSCO, Pinterest, and TikTok are the platforms on which I post content. When it comes to posting, I always think to myself, "If my dad or grandfather saw this, would they think it was okay?"  I think that this is an important thing to remember when sharing photos of yourself, friends, or places. As for commentary, I always remember the saying, “If a person was trying to hire me and they saw me saying this, would they think it was okay?” These are little things I use to keep myself in check when using social media. With that being said, I don’t think my online footprint is bad, and I would not be worried about employers looking up my social media accounts to get an idea of the person I am.




Thursday, April 27, 2023

Blog Post #10

 April 27, 2003

In the Age of AI

Positive Aspects of More Complex AI and Machine Learning 

AI enables humans to be more efficient. The new technology is able to perform tasks faster than humans. Whether they are small and repetitive or large and complex, AI is able to accomplish specific jobs more efficiently without the limitations that humans have. These tasks involve concepts such as decision making, visual perception, learning, reasoning, and even natural language processing. AI is able to reduce error, increase accuracy/increase precision, and it does not get tired. Ultimately, AI and machine learning have the potential to revolutionize the way we live, work, and even communicate. 

Privacy Cons of AI and Machine Learning 

With better technology being established comes more concerns, risks, and downsides. One of the most critical aspects of AI and machine learning is the privacy and security issues that arise. Some privacy concerns with these new technologies include data breaches, misuse of data, discrimination, and even inaccurate results. 

Privacy Pros of AI and Machine Learning 

Although AI and machine learning can create some privacy concerns, they also offer several privacy advantages. One example is data minimization. The technologies are being refined to reduce the amount of personal information that is collected and processed by only using the necessary data required to perform a task. In addition, AI and machine learning algorithms  can help anonymize data by removing personal information or replacing it with "pseudonyms." 

National Security

National security is another complex issue when it comes to AI and machine learning. There is always the risk that these technologies will act maliciously.  Whether that be through autonomous weapons, cyberattacks, or disclosing fake information, it is crucial that policymakers carefully balance the advantages and disadvantages of AI and machine learning to ensure our safety and security. 

Online security and Identity Theft

AI and machine learning can play an important role in online security and preventing identity theft. AI can be used to validate documents, authenticate users, and detect fraud. The technology does this by analyzing patterns. By doing this, AI and machine learning are able to detect abnormalities and potential breaches.




Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Blog Post #9

 April 20, 2023

EOTO Agenda Setting and Gatekeeping

Agenda Setting

Agenda setting theory is the idea that the media has a powerful influence on what issues and topics are considered important to the public. The theory suggests that the media doesn't necessarily tell people what to think about a particular issue, but rather tells them what to think about by highlighting certain issues while ignoring others. The media, in essence, shapes the agenda for public discussion and debate. This theory has been widely studied and debated, and it continues to be a very important topic in communication research today.

This theory can have a significant impact on society. Agenda setting can help to shape what issues people are aware of, concerned about, or even discussing. It can also have a great impact and influence on what issues politicians and other organizations prioritize in their decision-making processes. In this sense, agenda setting theory affects how people think about and engage with the world around the


Gatekeeping theory is a social theory that explains how information passes through various filters, or "gates," before it reaches the intended audience. These filters can be seen in the media. For example, editors and publishers are able to decide which stories get covered, and in everyday interactions, such as with friends who choose which news to share with each other. The theory also suggests that gatekeepers have the power to control the flow of information and can largely influence what people think and believe.

The gatekeeping theory affects society in numerous ways. As I mentioned previously, it can impact the flow of information and prevent certain groups from having access to important resources. Unfortunately, this can minimize opportunities for groups that are already marginalized, which makes it harder for them to succeed or achieve equal footing with others. 

Additionally, systems of gatekeeping often reinforce existing hierarchies. This can result in biased decisions, restrictive policies, and exclusion. Those who hold power or privileged positions are often given more legitimacy for their thoughts and opinions than others. This can lead to inequality, discrimination, and even  prejudice.

Moreover, gatekeeping theory can lead to the potential for corruption among those with authority to control valuable assets, services, or access to certain networks. The more concentrated power is, the easier it is to manipulate others.  

Overall, it is essential to ensure that gatekeeping processes are transparent, free of bias, inclusive, and open to feedback from diverse sources. Such measures can help counteract the negative impacts of gatekeeping theory by promoting equity, diversity, and inclusivity within our society.


In conclusion, gatekeeping and agenda setting are both related to the media's role in shaping public discourse. Gatekeeping refers to the process by which media outlets decide what information to include or exclude from their coverage. Agenda setting, on the other hand, refers to the process by which the media decides which issues are significant enough to warrant coverage. So, while they are not identical concepts, they are similar in that they both involve media gatekeepers making decisions about what information the public receives.


Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Blog Post #8

 April 18, 2023

Roger's Diffusion of Innovation 

According to Rogers' Diffusion of Innovation Theory, new concepts or technologies are adopted and diffused across society. Innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards are the five different groups of adopters identified by the theory. According to the notion, those who are innovators and early adopters are more likely to adopt than the late majority and laggards, who are more inclined to adopt new concepts or technology later on. A wide range of contexts, including those in technology, healthcare, and education, can be addressed by this theory. 

Early adopters and innovators may be drawn to an innovation because it has the potential to address a need or solve a problem for them. The innovation might spread in popularity and acceptance as more people start to use it, which would encourage continued use by a larger audience.

The perceived benefits of an innovation, compatibility with current practices or technologies, complexity, and observability are all factors that can affect how widely it is adopted. Innovations that are perceived as being extremely beneficial, consistent with current practices, and simple to use or comprehend may be adopted quicker than those that are perceived as being complex or challenging to understand.

One example is the recent development of digital assistants, such as Siri and Alexa, which have become readily available in personal devices, home appliances, and cars. These assistants have become increasingly popular, as they provide convenient, voice-activated access to a host of benefits  including music streaming, internet browsing, weather forecast and even an occasional joke. These assistants were first adopted by technology enthusiasts and early tech-savvy consumers, but now you can find them almost everywhere.

There may be some negative effects of using Alexa and Siri, such as privacy concerns and potential addiction to technology. With Alexa and Siri, all the data a person provides can be accessed by third parties, which raises concerns about data privacy and security. Additionally, using these digital assistants might encourage people to rely excessively on technology, causing them to neglect their well-being and social interactions, potentially leading to addiction.

In conclusion, diffusion theory can offer insightful perspectives on the potential difficulties and opportunities involved with putting a new technology or product on the market. Businesses can create more effective strategies for promoting and disseminating their innovations if they have a better knowledge of the aspects that can affect adoption.


Monday, April 17, 2023

EOTO: What I learned...

 April 17, 2023

The Pencil

The pencil has been used as a tool for communication for centuries. Before the invention of the printing press, scribes and scholars would use pencils to write and copy manuscripts. The lead or graphite in the pencil allowed for a smooth flow of ink, making it so much easier to write and alter text.

In the 1970s, Nicolas Jaques Conte invented the pencil. During this time, graphite was not being imported in France. As a result, a man named Lazare Nicolas Marguerite had asked Conte to create a pencil that did not rely on imports. The word pencil comes from the Latin root meaning “ little tail”. The pencil was referred to as this because it resembled the fine brush artists used for painting. Prior to the invention of the pencil, artists used lumps of lead to express and translate what was going on in their heads onto objects that others could see. 

Throughout the 19th century, the pencil became widely available and affordable, making it a popular writing implement. This led to increased literacy rates and the growth of written communication. Pencils were also used for drawing and sketching, which allowed people to communicate ideas visually.

Even though the pencil created such a powerful impact in terms of communication, it also created several negative environmental effects. 82,000 trees are cut down annually in order to manufacture the 14 billion pencils we use a year. In addition, a lot of machinery is used to create the pencil. Including trucks and machines which pollute our environment.

Despite the fact that digital communication has largely replaced written communication, pencils are still widely used in schools and by professionals for note-taking, drawing, and sketching. The pencil is still considered one of the most important tools for communication, as it allows for the easy expression of ideas and the creation of lasting records.

In conclusion, the pencil was an amazing invention that brought so many new ideas along with it. Without it, the world today would be a very different place. 





Tuesday, April 4, 2023

The Progressive Era

April 4, 2023

Antiwar and The American Conservative Website Review

    After exploring the websites, I have come to the realization that this website is used to speak on non-interventionism and peace. The two websites proclaim on news stories, while supplying commentary and further analysis through a perspective other than military intervention and hostility. The purpose of this websites are to inform their audiences and assemble against the empire in war, while simultaneously promoting tranquility and liberty. In other words, these websites are alternative platforms for those opposed to war, and who want to support harmonious solutions to worldwide problems.     

    While reviewing these sites, I noticed how writers on them share their strong opinions on antiwar. I also observed that you never seem to hear this sort of information in the mainstream news. Upon further reflection, I came to the conclusion that these writers are able to have such strong voices because they are able to express themselves freely without the filter used in traditional media outlets. Although mainstream news sources do touch upon topics related to warren conflict, their coverage may not always be as censorious or deliberate as some of the writers we find on websites such as these smaller platforms. In addition, many bloggers, or independent writers who speak on the Internet, are able to build a committed following of people who are in agreement of what they are saying. All in all, this allows for a greater sense of community and collaborative values that may not be as widespread in the mainstream news media.

    In conclusion, sometimes those who obtain these strong, anti war voices may not have access to voice their opinions on these bigger platforms we are familiar with. It is for this reason that writers may gravitate towards a smaller, alternative source. With that being said, this can also be influenced by numerous other factors. Some being political, agendas, availability for opportunities to speak out, and even biases. However, it is always important to research multiple sources of information and different perspectives, when seeking out information on Complicated issues such as war.




Monday, April 3, 2023

EOTO Com Tech Timeline

 April 3, 2023

Smart Phones 

Before the introduction of the iPhone in 2007, there were several other types of smartphones available on the market. These included the Blackberry, which was popular among business users for its email capabilities, and Windows Mobile. There were also several smaller mobile operating systems such as Symbian and Palm OS, used on devices like Nokia and Palm. However, the iPhone was the first smartphone that combined a large, high-resolution touch screen with a user-friendly interface, making it a game-changer in the mobile phone industry.

Before the iPhone 

As technology advanced, it became clear that phones could do much more than we thought. The first BlackBerry was launched by IBM in 1999. It was called “Simon”, and it quickly became the go-to device for business people.

Prior to the establishment of the iPhone, these smartphones  had largely been used for making calls and sending text messages. Nokia was the dominant player in the mobile phone market in the early 2000s with its range of iconic “brick” phones.

The iPhone

In June of 2007, Steve Jobs launched the very first iPone, and boy did it change everything. It was the first smartphone to have a large, high-resolution touchscreen, and it introduced the concept of apps, which have now become a fundamental part of smartphone use.

Since then, the market has exploded and there are now countless smartphone manufacturers and operating systems to choose from. Smartphones have transformed the way we interact with each other and the world around us, and it’s hard to imagine life without them.

What Problems Did They Solve?

Smartphones solved a lot of problems that people faced with earlier phones. They allowed users to easily access the internet. This improved the ability to find information quickly, and make communication more efficient and convenient. Smartphones also integrated features like cameras, GPS, and messaging into one device. In addition, this new technology also made it easy to download and use a wide range of apps. Overall, smartphones solved the problem of needing different devices for different functions and allowed people to carry everything they need in one handy device.

Negative Effects 

1. Addiction: Many people become addicted to their phones, this leads to reduced productivity, social isolation, and even changes in the brain.

2. Privacy concerns: Smartphones collect a lot of personal information, which can be used by companies or hackers for malicious purposes.

3. Sleep disturbance: Using smartphones before bed can interfere with our sleep. Lack of sleep can lead to all kinds of problems such as an inability to focus, sleepiness during the day, slower metabolism, high blood pressure, and increased chance for diseases and sicknesses. 

4. Cyberbullying: Cyberbullying is a growing problem, and smartphones make it easier for bullies to harass their targets. It is a lot easier for people to say whatever they want while being protected behind the screens.

5. Physical health issues: Constantly looking down at a smartphone screen can lead to neck pain, eyestrain, and other physical problems.





Final Blog Post

 May 2, 2023 The Internet      The Internet is one of humanity's greatest achievements. Cell phones are basically computers that we have...