Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Blog Post #9

 April 20, 2023

EOTO Agenda Setting and Gatekeeping

Agenda Setting

Agenda setting theory is the idea that the media has a powerful influence on what issues and topics are considered important to the public. The theory suggests that the media doesn't necessarily tell people what to think about a particular issue, but rather tells them what to think about by highlighting certain issues while ignoring others. The media, in essence, shapes the agenda for public discussion and debate. This theory has been widely studied and debated, and it continues to be a very important topic in communication research today.

This theory can have a significant impact on society. Agenda setting can help to shape what issues people are aware of, concerned about, or even discussing. It can also have a great impact and influence on what issues politicians and other organizations prioritize in their decision-making processes. In this sense, agenda setting theory affects how people think about and engage with the world around the


Gatekeeping theory is a social theory that explains how information passes through various filters, or "gates," before it reaches the intended audience. These filters can be seen in the media. For example, editors and publishers are able to decide which stories get covered, and in everyday interactions, such as with friends who choose which news to share with each other. The theory also suggests that gatekeepers have the power to control the flow of information and can largely influence what people think and believe.

The gatekeeping theory affects society in numerous ways. As I mentioned previously, it can impact the flow of information and prevent certain groups from having access to important resources. Unfortunately, this can minimize opportunities for groups that are already marginalized, which makes it harder for them to succeed or achieve equal footing with others. 

Additionally, systems of gatekeeping often reinforce existing hierarchies. This can result in biased decisions, restrictive policies, and exclusion. Those who hold power or privileged positions are often given more legitimacy for their thoughts and opinions than others. This can lead to inequality, discrimination, and even  prejudice.

Moreover, gatekeeping theory can lead to the potential for corruption among those with authority to control valuable assets, services, or access to certain networks. The more concentrated power is, the easier it is to manipulate others.  

Overall, it is essential to ensure that gatekeeping processes are transparent, free of bias, inclusive, and open to feedback from diverse sources. Such measures can help counteract the negative impacts of gatekeeping theory by promoting equity, diversity, and inclusivity within our society.


In conclusion, gatekeeping and agenda setting are both related to the media's role in shaping public discourse. Gatekeeping refers to the process by which media outlets decide what information to include or exclude from their coverage. Agenda setting, on the other hand, refers to the process by which the media decides which issues are significant enough to warrant coverage. So, while they are not identical concepts, they are similar in that they both involve media gatekeepers making decisions about what information the public receives.


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