Sunday, March 26, 2023

Eight Values of Free Expression

 March 25, 2023

Speech Theories 

The eight values of expression theories are a foundation for comprehending and analyzing different forms of creative and innovative expression.


4. Individual Self-Fulfillment ( aka Self-Actualization) — see C. Edwin Baker, Human Liberty and Freedom of Speech

Out of the Eight Values of Free Expression, Individual Self-Fulfillment resonated with me the most. This is because it allows us to work and achieve our goals, find our true purpose in life, and reach satisfaction in our lives to provide a sense of happiness and pride for ourselves. In addition, self-fulfillment allows us to evolve and find our strengths and recognize our achievements. All in all this can lead to better self esteem and increased perseverance. 

Most Important 

7. Promote Innovation — see Jack Balkin, Living Originalism

​​I believe Promote Innovation is one of the most important aspects of the Eight Values of Free Expression because it allows individuals to express their thoughts and ideas freely without having to fear penalization. This leads to a more educated and open society, where ideas can be reworked and improved through discussion and debate. Additionally, it helps to ensure that those in positions of power are held accountable for their actions, as people are able to freely criticize and challenge them. Ultimately, free speech will strengthen a democracy by encouraging intellectual diversity and the interchanging of ideas.

Most personal

8. Protect Dissent — see Steve Shiffrin, Dissent, Injustice and the Meanings of America

Out of the Eight Values of Free Expression I found Protect Dissent to be most personal. When it comes to Protecting Dissent , new ideas are evaluated and old ones are questioned. Without this, society is at risk of having outdated thinking and societies would be in danger of authoritarianism. As a dance teacher, I am constantly thinking of new ideas in regards to costumes, choreography, etc. I partake in conversations with other teachers and dance friends, to which they offer advice and additional critiques. I see protecting dissent to be similar to working as a team, which helps me present my creativity in the most successful way. 

Used Today

3. Stable Change ( aka Safety Valve) — see Benedict Spinoza, Tractatus-Theologico Politicus 

I believe all aspects of the Eight Values of Free Expression are used in action today. However the Stable Change theory stuck out to me the most. The theory explains that, “It has been suggested that a society in which angry and alienated citizens are allowed to speak their mind, or "vent," will be more stable, as people will be less likely to resort to violence.” I see Stable Change used in action today over social media. For example, with social media being a big part of society, people are able to use various platforms to complain about any kind of problem they have. This is a way for people to feel heard and express their opinions in a non violent way. 

Applying to the Real World

Social media can be a powerful tool for expressing the eight values of expression. By allowing individuals to share their thoughts, opinions, and experiences with a wide audience, social media platforms promote creative expression and freedom of speech. They also enable people to showcase their individuality and authenticity by sharing elements of their personal lives.

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